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`Jasmine Tan
`she is twenty one
`AUGUST 23rd
`she is in NTU majoring in physics
`she used to be from BMSS & Ngee Ann poly(BME)
`she have a mummy, daddy, a sister & a love.
`she lives in teck whye
`she is happy with what she have
`friends & family are her love of her life
`she wants to laugh her lungs out everytime for that someone who loves her smile
`she is struggling with life in NTU
`she hates bitches and hypocrites
`she loves undefined perfection
`she loves shopping
`she wants to be happy forever
(thinking in progress..)
Tuning with love
Saturday, January 30, 2010Y
bdae happiness~

ytd was baby's birthday. 22nd birthday. we met in the evening. went to town. he wanted to eat jap and buffet, so we went to sakae ot orchard central. the food there is of more standard than the rest of their outlets. haha.
we had a lot of fun ytd, and i think we are the loudest ppl in the restaurant. laughing like nobody's business. dots. haha.
well, i hope we can alwaz be happy=)sometimes its the only thing i want. naive leh. we went to ion after that and i bought him a small cake. i didnt manage to light the candle cus i cant find ppl with lighter. wth. either ppl are starting to cut down on smoking or ppl are starting to become more selfish! haha. actually i realized tht i was asking for a lighter in a non smoking area! haha.
wanted to watch movies but its like completely out of tickets la! hais. so we just hang out in town lo. walked and walked. leg suan de lo.haha.
today i went to jp with my mum and my grandparents. i also don know what was i doing there?! i am supposed to be at home doin work de lo. next week got so many submissions. hais. but i was there and i'm already back. dots. so now, i have to burn more oil tonight.
11:59 PM
Thursday, January 28, 2010Y
1 hr + 10 mins = baby's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! one year older and i hope he will 要风得风,要雨得雨, in the good way though. haha. i also hope he will learn to be more vigilant, in case some bad ppl bully him~ i don like bad ppl^^ i am a nice person, and only i can bully him =) WAHAHAHA. because he is my baby ma~~
its the first time i celebrate birthday with him, so i left tomorrow for him=) HAVE FUN!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and hope u have the best day of ur life.
Love you,
10:55 PM
really is trademark leh~ fall down again! haha. about a week ago. cui~ its serious leh and i fell down at the most prominent place in singapore. haha. damn serious. cus damn pain. till now still damn pain! really is 바 보 lo. it means silly in korean~
school started for three weeks already and its like busy la. so many this and that. i really is busy de lo. 바 빠 요. ARGHS!
10:47 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010Y
let's see~
a few weeks since I updated. well. I am supposed to be doing some work but I was playing ard with my phone den I decided to update my blog=) school started on the 11th. but I was sick the whole week so I didn go to school the whole week=(( dots. so school started on 18th for me^^ haha. but I did missed some stuffs lo. sians. 20th was my cousin's wedding day. I know it's a wed, well he held it on a wed cus it was at Fullerton and there's a min number of tables in order to hold it on weekends. but he didn have little tables either. hah. 42 if I'm not wrong. first time I go to Fullerton for dinner. class^^ haha. he also make it entertaining as he and his wife sang and danced=) Congrats!
ytd went to town with jun to buy some stuffs, do some shopping. spent 150+ alr. arghs. ltr gg to movie with baby again. been a while since we went out cus last weekend I was busy with revamping my room. bought new bedroom set! =) so I was real busy. today we will go out for some fun. but before that, I really need to complete this assignment. if not tonight I will have to burn a lot a lot of oil^^
10:57 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010Y
school's starting next week!! few more days to those days again^^ well, 50-50 anticipation. haha. recently, come across many lessons in life. maybe its a new year, 2010. new 领悟. but one thing for sure, i'm definitely happier. there's too much stuffs to look forward to, and life is so unpredictable. why live a day in sorrows when u nvr know if tomorrow will come? losing someone or something in my life is now a big deal. *i sound old* hee^^
well, look forward and live ur life with happiness and no regrets.
12:44 AM
how to undo our mistakes
a new year a new start. a new life a new me.
resolutions: SMILE
*lies* the one thing that hurts. the one thing that kills happiness. yet the one thing that kills a person is denying the lie.
what if the lies are exposed? what if i am the victim? what if i am the one thing that feel the pain? what if. what if. what if.
watched chaw on friday night and went to shokudo for dinner.

1:06 AM