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`Jasmine Tan
`she is twenty one
`AUGUST 23rd
`she is in NTU majoring in physics
`she used to be from BMSS & Ngee Ann poly(BME)
`she have a mummy, daddy, a sister & a love.
`she lives in teck whye
`she is happy with what she have
`friends & family are her love of her life
`she wants to laugh her lungs out everytime for that someone who loves her smile
`she is struggling with life in NTU
`she hates bitches and hypocrites
`she loves undefined perfection
`she loves shopping
`she wants to be happy forever
(thinking in progress..)
Tuning with love
Friday, September 25, 2009Y
had my maths midterms ytd. OMG! its like.... seriously, i cant do la! hahas. study study still cant do. den i was sitting behind jun and pat. i see the both of them feel like laughing during the paper. haha. jun was like slacking after like half an hr, den she sleep. pat even funnier, she move about. fidget about. play with calculator, sleep. wak eup do again. den i see her do do do. the scene is like so funny=)
today then i realized i spent a lot of money these days leh. both my account all broke.haha. only left with ocbc=( haha. recently only buy a few clothes leh. den baby bought me a bag and a top, i also nvr buy~ haha. i bought a shorts only leh, i think la~ i cant remember also. den today buy some stuffs. oh ya, tht day buy a jacket AGAIN. and go popular but a few stuffs, there goes like many ten dollars... haha. no wonder got no $$ liao~ orh, and jun birthday also.hahas. haiya, but never mind la, money can be earned back~! haha. time to pay school fees soon! haha.
recently busy with assignments and tests, never really go out. so tmr i'm going out with baby the whole day and have fun!!!! to decrease my sin level, i'm going to do report liao~
10:18 PM
Monday, September 21, 2009Y
havent been updating for a few days. haha. got my new PC on friday! and i have been busy transferring stuffs from my old lappy to the new PC. it was finally done on sunday~(eh, which is ytd!) haha. friday night was SHUJUN's birthday party! so happy for her. and today is her exact brthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUN! may you stay pretty pretty and all the best in ur yrs ahead~
i spent my past two days at home~ " studying" haha. study a little jiu slack. new computer doesn help, keep wanting to use it=) den keep wanting to sleep, watch tv. hais. so i merely did very very little for the test this coming thurs. today i have an assignment due at 6 pm. and i still have not read the question... this is what happens when one doesn even have the determination to study.
baby is unwell, he's in the hospital seeing a doctor, yet i cant be there=( hais. life's a dilemma~
3:20 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009Y

baby drew this for me on msn! haha. thank you~
sat went to comex 2009 with baby and i bought a desktop!!!yeahs. actually my mum bought it for me la.haha. cus my sis lappy dead liao.
but the desktop not here yet=( and my lappy is so lagggggggggg...
thanks baby for accompanying me walk the whole day on sat. and we also went to iluma to watch G-force(3D). nice~ funny and the effects are really good. i wonder if its the cinema or the movie. because UP wasnt tht good. haha.
Oh ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIAO JUAN!~ ytd went to her birthday party. and her BF so sweet leh. surprise her with a BIG(real BIG) elmo mascot! she was so touched den she cry leh.haha. so sweettttt~
midterms are coming. i'm stressing~ hais. save me. pray for me.
10:11 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009Y
bed + stress~~
my new bed came on sat! sooo somfortable. haha. my new table coming on tue=) excited too. haha. but all the happiness vanish once i think of my work. stupid tutorials and homeworks and lab reports. make me feel like dying~ the worst thing is i don know how to do them!! if i know how to do, i'd be happy to spend time doing it. but... pervert profs. ITS DAMN IRRITATING!
the best part is, i've been slacking for the past weekend, feel like slacking every moment i'm home! this is not good!
1:03 PM