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`Jasmine Tan
`she is twenty one
`AUGUST 23rd
`she is in NTU majoring in physics
`she used to be from BMSS & Ngee Ann poly(BME)
`she have a mummy, daddy, a sister & a love.
`she lives in teck whye
`she is happy with what she have
`friends & family are her love of her life
`she wants to laugh her lungs out everytime for that someone who loves her smile
`she is struggling with life in NTU
`she hates bitches and hypocrites
`she loves undefined perfection
`she loves shopping
`she wants to be happy forever
(thinking in progress..)
Tuning with love
a hard time.
this week is really a hard time for all of us.
lets see some updates first.
saturday went to watch Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with baby at JP. walked around and went for dinner. time flies everytime we're together. one blink and its night time. sunday afternoon was my cousin's baby full month celebration. went over for lunch and went to watch Transformers at woodlands.
the hit comes. after the movie at about 850pm, received a msg from my sis. called her back and she said my aunt just passed away. my uncle's wife. in english, its still aunt but is my 舅妈. she is the closest aunt to me, and it was a big blow. she is only 48 yrs old, well and fit everytime. in the morning, she was still talking around with her daughters. on sat, she still went to a wedding dinner with my uncle. she fainted and thts it. she is only 48 and yet a grandmother of two already, the third one coming up in two months. she is like already having such a good life. alwaz outspoken and friendly, whenever she talkes to me, she likes to hold on to my arm. and now, she's gone. my cousins denied an autopsy, and thus written as cardiac arrest. ytd was the first night of the wake, all her 4 children and 2 grandsons are all feeling the pain, just like how all of us were. these 2 nights we will also be there. i guess this is the last thing we can ever do for her. i went in to look at her ytd night. as beautiful as alwaz. but i still cant believe my eyes, tht now she's gone. her face will alwaz remain in my mind, her smile her voice. i think thts what i can do for her, to remember her. this is the first time, ever since i was sensible enough to feel pain, when someone close to me passed away. the first one i guess was my maternal grandfather, but i was still young to feel the pain. now i do.
i hope everyone's in the family is fine, and will live their life to the fullest for their mother.
Rest in Peace. 我会记得你。
1:48 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009Y
saturday went to iluma to fix my watch. also also watched him play games... then head to tampiness 1 for a walk. shopped around and then took 67 to alameen for supper. haha. sunday, home the whole day. don feel like going anywhere. watched finding nemo at night. slept early cus i went to help mummy on monday and also tue.
ytd, after work, went for a girls night out. with lin, agnes, yetwei. went to ajisen for dinner and had a long chat=) again, went to mac for a looong chat. haha. left causeway at about 11pm. came home with yetwei, as usual. reached home about 12 am. we had a good gossip session. it has been long since we last met. and i miss them so much. hopefully, next week can meet them too=)
today had tuition and now home..
i'm tired. dont know of what and why.
9:48 PM
sunday went to watched "Blood" with baby. only went out in the afternoon den came back quite early too. i think i am becoming a little too 宅. hahas. oops* as usual, i haven been doing much. but done a lot of thinking. of course, got to do with my life de lo. i spoke to baby before ba, although i might not have expressed everything to him, i hope he understands the key. i did not say everything to him, but i really really hope tht he understands. understands the keystone to the problem. but we're progressing fine. we're alright, just some problems lingering. i just doesn want "it" to become a big problem later. guess thts it.
i need to find reasons for happiness. hahas. havent seen him since sunday. i am trying, trying to make myself go all the way to love.
3:28 PM
whats the worst?
hmmm.havent been doing much. helping mummy, tuition.... slacking at times. but i still hope to have more time to slack.haha. i'm getting lazier and lazier. it must be too natural for it to happen.haha.
ytd, i had a hell time crying over myself~ i must feel stupid, i think i sound stupid too.hahas. baby made me a bottle of stars. the second bottle i received from him. he wrote me a card too. but i cant tell u the contents.haha=) its a secret. den i end up crying the whole night away. cus i think i'm the worst GF=( but anyway, to him, i'm not. haha. so at least i feel better. oh ya, he bought me a blouse too=)
anyway, chunhui told me can plan timetable liao. and the registration is very soon. so i needa check liao.hahas. i think without these frens. i sure don need register courses. hahas.
Thanks everyone for everything.
11:32 PM
i've been very very very very lazy these days. don want to get out of the house unless i really need to. hais. i just wanna slack around at home. guess i must be mentally strained. i don know for what. no school, also like tht. siao. i've already forgotten what i did for the past week. friday, dear took leave, so we stayed at home, with connie. slack and play games. sat went out after tuition. watched movie-drag me to hell. hmmm. its scary de lo~ the sound effect is much much louder than all previous shows. what the. need to cover my ears, to prevent my ear drums from tearing. and also, the sound effects makes it super scary. haha. oops. ytd went to wild wild wet with dear and his friend, yan liang. he has this free tickets la. i didn want to go cus i wanted dear to go and spend time with his friends. bue he keep insisting. saying time is so little for us....... dots. haha. so in the end, i went la=)
i must have become a couch potato these days. so super damn lazy.
11:50 AM