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`Jasmine Tan
`she is twenty one
`AUGUST 23rd
`she is in NTU majoring in physics
`she used to be from BMSS & Ngee Ann poly(BME)
`she have a mummy, daddy, a sister & a love.
`she lives in teck whye
`she is happy with what she have
`friends & family are her love of her life
`she wants to laugh her lungs out everytime for that someone who loves her smile
`she is struggling with life in NTU
`she hates bitches and hypocrites
`she loves undefined perfection
`she loves shopping
`she wants to be happy forever
(thinking in progress..)
Tuning with love
Friday, February 27, 2009Y
ARGHS! this week i never go school cus its one week break. so supposed to be studying right?! oh well, i did la. but not much use. i don know if i should continue this way la. everytime study also like no use. int he end, also don know how to do. read tb can understand also no use, cant do questions. what the hell. i already in this mood-since i study also no use, den dont study lo.
HAIS.i don know why leh~
Next thurs:
field and oscillations-midterm
look at that~! and i cant complete in time. confirm.
3:43 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009Y
i am hesitating over a decision that i don know if i should make. it is bothering me. and i am hoping to stop this hesitation. i know i shouldn even be hesitating, but it is just so hard. i appreciate ur effort but its not the way i want it to be. hais. i cant continue.
exams are near.
jasmine is confused.
2:09 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009Y
i said about the incident in my previous post.but i claimed that i cant explain it. well. thanks to shujun. she explained it for me...
a copy from shujun's blog:
today jasmine did a very kuku thing infront of him! she thought i was playing with her when i ask her to open the door for me. and being inside the room, she nv press the control to open and still try to push and open it. damn funny if i was inside the room. heard that her 唐门 ask her to press the control and she did not hear it (according to her). haha see la, so malu infront of him somemore. JAS TAN MALU.
see la~ like as if i not malu-ed enough.
now we in comp lab la. den hor, me and pat go print the stupid lab report, den hor jun go refill water la.haiyo, i should go with her la cus her, she SAW MY 唐门 LEH!!!!!!~~~~
we super excited when she come back and tell us. HAIS. and i think she also very excited la.print what stupid report, den hai wo cannot see him. so sadddd~
1:10 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009Y
v day eve and v day~
aiyos~ v day eve-friday the thirteen! OMG. couldn believe myself in doing such a malu thing in front of my tang ah mun(if you watch the drama,miss no good. its the "BF" la) leh~ ARGHS. super malu~ he damn nice. he bought chocolates for us in class=) his rocher specially delicious. hahas. but i did something damn malu~haha. cannot explain here la. but it has something got to do with a door and a exit button. ARGHS. MALU-ed enough.
v day went out~ quite a nice day but also a day where i made a decision and i am not sure if i am right. but when the time is right, i will tell you guys=)
10:02 AM
Sunday, February 8, 2009Y
lin chunhui jun qingjie milton brendan yetwei yewming patricia and a few others were over at my place for fun=)HAHA. had a long night. played till today morning about 8 am. cards mahjong... learned a few new games from qingjie.wah laos. that one is super super high. 8 point 9 points. i cant explain it in here but the money you can lose in there is probably like 100s in a few rounds. and the money you can win is also that much. COME FAST GO FAST.来得快去得也快! super damn high and heart wrenching~HAHA. get scared when playing it. too fast and too much~ but we had a lot a lot a lot of fun. more than 10 of us probably. had like a great night out~ busy playing games, nobody to take photos.hahas. but its ok, all the memories in our mind=)
6:09 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009Y
why am i always being bullied by them?!

take a look at my hands.scrollllll downnnn~

their creation of a modern henna!~

i don seem to be able to get out of their clutches!


left hand by patricia. right hand by shujun~

i know i am majoring in physics, but i don need the formulae on my hand!

i can hardly breathe. they are pushing my head down on the table.ARGHS!

am i a hand rest?!

WHY~ am i always being bullied?! hahas. but there's where the fun comes from...
today the lift spoil leh! den we have to climb the stairs from B3 to level 1. doesnt sound tiring right? three floors only leh. but then hor, climb the stairs with them hor, can die. its already going to take up energy and yet laugh the whole way.......take up more energy. of course tired la!!and yet the stairs like never ending..... wah lao~ the worst ever. like climb vertical marathon~
8:11 PM
computer lab~
in the computer lab, waiting for lecture to start at 130pm. doing nothing but playing with facebook and blog hopping. save me from all the tutorials and assignments~
miss my friends and i wanna see them very very very very soon. this sat some of them coming to my place. hope we can have a good time. no no. i am sure we can have a good time=)
1:01 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009Y
life life life~
HELLOoooo~ is like a cycle. but i must agree that it is full of laughter~ with jun and pat, i really must say it is laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs! exams coming.lab reports. tutorials. mid-terms. =( dilemma leh. 一下快乐,一下伤心. hahas.
i love this pic. she's my niece-alicia. like my daughter. hug me until like that=)

physics make us nuts.

+ make my hair messy~

+ make the table very very messy~

+ taking stupid pictures like that....

GIANT FEET with my mini feet. that giant is patricia~
8:05 PM